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Accessibility Agreement

String undertakes to make the website https://www.GREATER4H.com/ accessible, cf. “Act on accessibility of public entities’ websites and mobile applications”.

Do you find that there is not accessible content on https://www.GREATER4H.com?

Here you have the opportunity to notify the responsible public body of the website’s non-compliance with the accessibility requirements of the Web Accessibility Act. In addition, you can request information that the responsible public entity may have exempted pursuant to section 1, a subsection of the Act. 5 (exception of content) and ยง 3, subsection 2 (disproportionate burden).

You can contact us if you find that there is not accessible content at https://www.GREATER4H.com

Contact page: https://GREATER4H.com/press-contact
When contacting us, you should not provide confidential or sensitive personal data such as social security numbers and health information.

Compliance status

As a public organization, you must indicate the extent to which your website complies with the requirements for web accessibility as set out in the harmonized standard EN 301 549. Compliance status can be:

  1. The website fully complies with the standard
  2. The site partially complies with the standard (meets most requirements)
  3. The site does not comply with the standard (does not comply with most requirements)

The public entity states that: The website partially complies with the standard (meets most requirements).

In addition, the public entity must describe how they evaluated the site. Here are the categories:

  1. The public entity has evaluated the website itself
  2. Assessment has been carried out by an external party
  3. The public entity has used a different method.

The public entity states the method as: We have evaluated the website ourselves, Assessment has been carried out by an external party.

The public body describes the assessment method as: Both user tests and automated tests by an external party have been used. In addition, we ourselves continuously use automated testing.

Evaluation reports

The public body has the option of referring to any evaluation reports.

The public body states: No reference to evaluation reports

Does not comply with the Web Accessibility Act

Technical conditions


We got a technical problem with focusing on specific buttons. Our current setup focuses on each section so the user with accessibility tools would be able to go to each section of the website.

Certain maps for navigational use
We use a map to a great extent to communicate the whereabouts and status of the locations of the hydrogen stations in the STRING megaregion. It is a particularly Extensive task to describe these in a user-friendly way and in text.

PDF files
If you have tried to access one of the documents without success, you can contact us by phone or e-mail . We will then contact you and find and present the relevant document to you within 7-10 working days.

Application to the Danish Agency for Digitalisation

The Danish Agency for Digitization supervises compliance with the Web Accessibility Act.

Before contacting the Digital Agency, you must contact the public authority or public law body with a view to solving the web accessibility problem. You do this using the contact information that appears at the top of this availability statement.

If you find that the public authority or body under public law that is responsible for the website does not respond satisfactorily to your inquiry, you can send an inquiry to the Digital Agency through the inquiry form or leave a message on telephone 20 16 36 12.

The Digital Agency uses the inquiries as input for the monitoring and supervision efforts for compliance with the Web Accessibility Act. You cannot expect to receive an answer to your inquiry unless the Digital Agency needs further elaboration.